Tax Planning and Advice

Tax Planning and Advice

Our Areas of Expertise

Our extensive knowledge in general Tax planning allows us to give you a clear plan foe the steps you need to take to ensure you are set up to crush any problems you may be currently facing or that you may come across in the future.

Land Transactions

Advice on income tax and GST issues. Bright-line test, Is land held on revenue account? Are the parties “associated persons”? GST implications of changes in use. Deemed supplies for GST purposes.

Subdivisions and developments

What provisions might apply for income tax purposes. If so, what exclusions apply? What to do if land has been held for more than 10 years. Is a subdivision a taxable activity for GST if the owner is not GST-registered?


When GST registration is required and deemed registration. Deemed supplies. Anti-
avoidance provisions. Significance of transfer of land between “associated persons.”
Misconceptions about GST thresholds.

Cross-border transactions and business structures

Appropriate business structures to cap
overall income tax. Thin capitalisation rules. New Zealand’s international tax regimes:

  • Controlled Foreign Company rules.
  • Foreign Investment Fund rules.
  • Trusts

Tax residency

Tax residency generally triggers liability for income tax. This can be in more than one country. Application of tax treaties. Pre migration tax planning

Risk assessment

Whether previous tax advice on planning and business structures creates
risk and how to limit that risk. Is there an avoidance arrangement and risk of 100% shortfall

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Queenstown tax specialist
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